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Edited 29 March 2016

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    List of Printed Sources of the Bakery

    ASSIRE, Jérôme. The Book of Bread, preface by Bernard Clavel, Flamarion, 1996;
    AUZET, Roger. Pains décorés et pièces artistiques, Éditions Jérôme Villette, 1992;
    BENOIT, Madame Jehane.
    My Secrets for Better Cooking, 3 vols.,  Les éditions Héritage, Saint- Lambert, Québec,                 1990;
    BOILY, Lise, et BLANCHETTE, Jean-François.
    The Bread Ovens of Quebec, The National Museum of Man, Ottawa,         1979;
     CALVEL, Raymond.
    La boulangerie moderne, 10ième édition, Eyrolles, Paris, 1984;
    ________________. Le goût du pain, Éditions Jérome Villette, 1990;
    ________________. Que sais-je? Le pain, Presses Universitaires de France, 1964;
    _______________. ''Ma philosophie du pain'', Fidèles au bon pain, 1987;
    CLAVEL, Bernard.
    La maison des autres – La grande patience, 1974;
    CLAYTON, Bernard.
    New Complete Book of Breads, Simon & Schuster, New York,1987;
    The Complete Book of Pastry, Sweet & savoury, Fireside, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1981;
    COLEMAN, Eliot.
    The New Organic Grower, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, Vermont, 1989;
    Uprisings: The whole grain baker's book, Mother Earth News,         Henderson, NC, 1983;
    DAUDET, Alphonse.
    Les lettres de mon moulin, Nelson éditeurs, 1943;
    DAVID, Elizabeth.
    English Bread and Yeast Cookery, The Viking Press, New York,1980;
    DELACRÉTAZ, Pierre.
    Les vieux fours à pain, Éditions Cabédita, 1993;
    Les pains et viennoiseries de l'ecole Lenôtre, Éditions Jérôme Villette, 1995;
    [ofChicago].ReliableRecipesforBakersundatedpublication,probablyfrom thelate 19th                      century, promoting'Cottolene' shortening, 'Packed in Tierces, Half-Barrels, Drums and Tubs';
    FIELD, Carole.
    The Italian Baker, Harper Collins, New York, 1985;s
    GISSLEN, Wayne.
    Professional Baking, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1994;
    Le livre de l'apprenti boulanger, Éditions Jacques Lenore, 1988;
    HAMELMAN, Jeffrey. Bread: A baker's book of techniques and recipes, 2nd ed, Wiley, New York, 2013;
    JOEL, David & SCHAPIRA, Karl.
    The Book of Coffee and Tea: A guide to the appreciation of fine coffees, teas and             herbal beverages, St Martin's Press, New     York, 2nd ed., 1982;
    JOHNSON, Ellen Foscue.
    The Garden Way Bread Book: A baker's almanac, Garden Way, Vermont, 1979;
    KAPLAN, Steven L. Cherchez le pain: guide des meilleures boulangeries de Paris, Plon, Paris, 2004;
    ________________. Le meilleur pain du monde: les boulangers de Paris au XVIIIe siècle,Fayard, 1996;
    _______________. Le retour du bon pain, Perrin, 2002;
    Provisioning Paris: Merchants and millers in the grain and flour trade during the 18th century,                 1984;
    KEYSER, Eric et CASTAGNA, Patrick.
    Pain, Evolution & Tradition, Éditions Panis Victor, 1994;
    LAHEY, Jim, My Bread: The revolutionary, no-work, no-knead method, Norton, New York, 2009;
    LEADER, Daniel & BLAHNIK, Judith. Bread Alone, William Morrow & Co, New York, 1993;
    LEONARD, Thom. The Bread Book; A natural, whole-grain seed-to-loaf approach to real bread, East West Health             Books, 1990;
    Le patissier français, Delarue Librairie-Editeur, n.d.; [ auteur, Emile Bernard, 1887?]
    LINXE, Robert. La maison du chocolat, Éditions Robert Lafont, 1992;
    LUARD, Elisabeth. Classic French Cooking: Recipes for mastering the French kitchen, MQ Publications, London,                2004;
    MENGI, Umberto. Umberto's Kitchen: The flavours of Tuscany, Douglas McIntyre,Vancouver/Toronto, 1997;
    MONTANDON, Jacques. Le bon pain des provinces de France: histoire et gastronomie, Edita Lausanne, 1979;
    MOREAU, Patrick & ROCCARD, Martine. Boulangerie & Patisserie: répertoire des termes techniques, des matières         premières, et des recettes, Flamarion, 2001;
    MOSKIN, Julia. “Takingthe Artisan out of Artisanal: Good bread goes commercial,”
    New York Times, 10 March 2004;
    POILÂNE, Lionel. Guide de l'amateur de pain, Éditions Robert Laffont, 1981;
    Michael Pollan, Cooked: A natural history of transformation, Penguin ed. New York, 2014;
    ORTIZ, Joe.
    The Village Baker: Classic regional breads from Europe and America, Tenspeed Press, Berkeley,                    California, 1993;
    PAGNOL, Marcel.
    La femme du boulanger, Éditions de Fallois, Paris, 1989;
    PALMER, Linda L. Recipes from My Father's Mill, a reproduction of The Hunting Cook Book,“written in the 'thirties',         to promote the whole wheat and corn flours produced in the mill of my father, Kenneth W Hunting...The roller mill        was installed in 1909 and ceased operation in 1955...in what is now Huntingville,Quebec”.
    POLT-HEINZL, Evelyne & SCHMIDJELL, Christine.
    Brot: Eine kleine kulinarische anthologie,Phillip Reclam Jun.             Stuttgart, 1998;
    RAMBOLI, Paul.
    Boulangerie:The craft and culture of baking in France, Macmillan, New York, 1994;
    ROBERTSON, Chad. Tartine Book No 3: Modern, ancient, classic, whole, San Francisco, 2013;
    ROBERTSON, Chad. Tartine Bread, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 2010;
    ROBERTSON, Laurel. The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book: A guide to whole-grain breadmaking, Random House, New         York, 1984;
    SUAS, Michel. Advanced Bread & Pastry: A professional approach, Delmar Cengage Learning, 2009;
    SULTAN, William J. Practical Baking, 4th Ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold , New York, 1986;
    TANNAHILL, Reay.
    Food in History, Penguin, 1988;
    de TONNAC, Jean-Philippe, Dictionnaire universel du pain, Paris, 2010;
    VIARD, J.-M.
    Le compagnon boulanger, Éditions Jérôme Villette, [1984];
    WING, Daniel & SCOTT, Alan.
    The Bread Builders: Hearth loaves & masonry ovens, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, Vermont, 1999;
    WOOD, Adeline.
    Quantity Food Service Recipes: Compiled by..Administration Section of the American Dietetic                     Association, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1940.

© 2016 North Head Bakery, 199 Route 776, Grand Manan NB, E5G 1A4   506-662-8862